Monday, September 5, 2011

Upcoming Stiletto U Events

Here's my event schedule for the next few weeks. If you're nearby, I hope you'll come out and join us. And if you have friends in area, please send them the information and encourage them to join in on the fun!

Sept. 5...Bliss Network. Listen to my conversation with the Bliss Lady, Teri Williams on Empower Radio. Listen here.

Sept. 15...7:00 PM Blue Marble Book Store.
551 Carpenter Avenue, Philadelphia, PA I'll be doing a reading and discussion from The Power of WOW.

Sept. 17...1:00pm EST Coach BettyLive on The Positive World Network.

Sept. 21...7-9 PM EST Twitter Party! We're chatting up sex, sensuality and anything else you'd like. RSVP by following @StilettoU, and check out #PowerofWOW. Win free gifts including a sensual bath basket by Babeland, free coaching sessions and more!

Sept. 27...5:00 PM EST Stiletto U Q & A on Learning Annex Channel on Ustream I'll be answering the top questions asked by my clients and during workshops. If you have a question, send it to by Sept. 25. $.99

5:40-6:00 PM EST 7 Seductive Tips for The Shy and Sexy. Learning Annex Channel on UstreamLearn seven sexy moves that are highly effective and comfortable to execute. $.99

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